Monday, 22 March 2010

Are there less female graphic designers than men? If so, why?

Since I started studying graphic design, the same question has always arose, with no definite answer as to why. Just peoples theories and personal experiences and feelings towards the matter.

"Are there less female graphic designers than men? If so, why?"

The issue of gender equality in the workplace has been a long running debate and while the gap has improved over recent years it is still a big issue with “Women in full-time work in the UK are paid, on average, 17.2 per cent less than men.” Guardian (2008)

As I am a third year graphic design degree student, obviously I haven't had much experience out in the industry so my answer to this question would not be as informed than a female designer who has been in the industry for x amount of years. However I have noticed through trying to contact and meet designers that there are a lot more male designers than female. Over the past year or so I have been to visit designers with my portfolio, out of 8 visits, only 2 of them were girls, this is not by choice I have not purposely chosen to see men, that is just how it worked out. There does seem to be more men in the industry but also I have noticed that where there are women in the industry, there are also men. I have seen agencies which are solely males, however there are few agencies which are made up of purely woman.

Looking at the class that I am in there seems to be a fairly equal split of males to females, so what happens to all the women when they leave education? The obvious answer to this would be that they become mothers, start families etc, as Milton Glazer stated when himself Chip Kidd, and Dave Eggers at a design lecture were posed this question,

“Why do you — all three of you — suppose there are so few female graphic designers — or at least so few female ‘superstar’ graphic designers? Is there a glass ceiling in graphic design?”

Glazer’s answer to this, after a long pause was that,

“the reason there are so few female rock star graphic designers is that women get pregnant, have children, go home and take care of their children. And those essential years that men are building their careers and becoming visible are basically denied to women who choose to be at home." He continued: "Unless something very dramatic happens to the nature of the human experience then it's never going to change.”

However although that may be a reason for a selection of women to drop out of the graphic design industry, it does not account for everyone, so women, where are you?

Recently I read a article by Fred Showker which appeared on the website graphic design, ( 2010, he mentions that over half the graphic designers within the U.S are actually women, and although people see their award winning work everywhere, they are never credited or celebrated in the same way as males. Fred goes on to praise the book, Women of design by Bryony Gomez-Palacio and Armin Vit, Which showcases design work from women, by asking a handful of women design stars to identify other women designers which then creates a web of influential and excellent design work from women of the past and present which shows we are worthy of the same appreciation as males. After reading that article it is clear to see that there are women are out there, producing amazing work, just not getting credited for it in the same way in which men do.

Whilst I was recently in London I went to visit a design agency called Minx, this is a all women agency, which are not common to come by. While chatting to the girls I asked if they had faced any problems getting jobs or if they have faced any problems because of their sex and they said they hadn't which is good, however I can't help but think they were just lucky. They said that it didn’t come in to the equation that they were females and as far as the were concerned they were treated the same as anyone else.

After researching into this question I find it clear to see that there is a lack of female designers, and because of this there is a lack of female ‘superstar’ designers. And as for the women who do stick it out in the design industry, they just don’t get credited like the men do, and however sad it may be, for some reason I don’t think this is about to change any time soon. As woman are the ones with ability to reproduce I don't think that women will ever take over the design world, with the responsibility of making a family and looking after them I just don't think we can do it all, as the design industry is very competitive.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've been trying to find some actual data or something that will give some indication of what percentage of graphic designers in the U.S. are female. I always thought there was a slightly higher percentage of female desginers out there, but I have yet to find any data to support that. Have you come across any hard numbers?