Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Craig Oldham

The other day Craig Oldham came into college to speak to us. Craig is a fairly young bloke and has already worked at The Chase and just recently moved to Music, however he came to talk about his experiences not the companies which he has worked for. Craig has already won awards for his 12 in 12 book which is twelve lessons you will probably learn in the first year of leaving uni, and we were fortunate enough to have the man himself talk us through the book. 

Craig's talk was really good and i have to say really funny too, a lot of talks can go on forever and start to get boring and you can't wait till they finish, not this one, I didn't want it to end! Craig has some much to tell us and so many tips for such a young person, he has done really well.

There was a typeface that Craig showed us and it really made me smile, the whole idea of this typeface and the way he had executed the idea is wonderful. I had to show you ... so here it is...

Nudist typeface

And i could leave out 12 in 12.

To see more of Craig Oldham's work, check his website out at http://www.craigoldham.co.uk/

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