Today Anthony Smith from Music came into college to speak to us about the industry and to show us some of his work. Anthony showed us some really nice work but
unfortunately i can't put any up as they don't have a fully running website as of yet, however watch this space as i know it s on Anthony's list of things to do. One thing that Anthony did tell us was that when he first left Uni he work for a year in various
different jobs not related to design before he managed to get a job within graphic design. Which for me was really useful info, many designers have said it's hard to get a job, but now i know that if i don't get a job in design straight away, it's
ok to do something else to keep me going until something comes up. Anthony kindly brought some work along and he also brought his portfolio which was really useful to see, as well as his popular business cards, which i managed to get hold of one. I would
defiantly tell you check their website out when it's up and