Friday, 25 September 2009


I was looking for inspiration for my current brief when i came across this blog blog

Straight away the posters on this blog caught my eye, I found this really cool Adidas poster which linked me to another site so I think its origanally off this site, but both blogs have some really good work on them so they are both worth checking out. So heres a few posters that I really liked off both blogs.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

I was searching the CR blog when I found this post by Gavin Lucas, this piece of work caught my eye straight away, it's amazing! It's Jaime HayĆ³n's huge chess set, which will be set up in Trafalgar square throughout The London Design Festival. To read the post about it go to

True North

After  long time waiting True North have now got a fully functioning website, and let me be the first to say it was worth the wait. True North are a design agency based in Manchester, founded in 2001, and they produce some really lovely work. I have put a couple of pieces of their work up, but you must check them out yourself at 

One piece i particually like is the identity for Manchester Deaf Center, It is only a slight little change which makes a big difference the concept behind it is great.... 

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Critical journal

Yes, that's right the dreaded Critical journal. The time has come, the end is near and to finish off the three years of studying is a lovely 5000 word journal and a 20 minute presentation. We have to write about our own work and something that we are interested in and want to know the answer to. So after trying to decide over all of the summer holidays I have settle on the ' Creative process' I am planning to explore other designers creative process and their techniques for finding ideas, and hopefully improve my own. I have sent a questionnaire out to a few designers and thankfully got some really good replies, and all the research is done so I just have to assemble it all. I'll post it up when it's finish.

Friday, 18 September 2009


I recently was searching the web for posters to check out some designs and i came across this site called Fickr and searched posters and i came up with loads of posters, poster heaven! So I had a look through, some were better than others, there were some shocking ones, they are made by all different people who post them on this site to share them. Here are a couple that really stood out to me, either because they were different or i like the design ...

Pecha Kucha

A Pecha Kucha is a presentation style, it was created in Tokyo, and the format is 20 slides, 20 seconds apiece for a total time of six minutes and forty seconds. Over this last summer holidays our tutor asked us to do a mini Pecha Kucha, consisting of only 10 slides still 20 seconds each. We were asked to base our Pecha Kucha on our influences as a graphic designer, we could use work and other designers or we could include totally random things that influence/ inspire us.

This got me thinking over the holidays at what influences me, at first I thought about other designers work, but the more I thought about it the more I realised that as a designer everything influences me, I found that I can't pin-point one thing, as everything we see, hear and feel influences me from my family to a shopping bag. 

You work for them

You Work For Them is a website that I've recently been introduced to by a class mate, it's a really useful site to get some lovely typefaces from as well as vectors, images, brushes, books and T-shirts. You do have to pay, but you pay for the quality and nice designs. So if you're looking for something different I'd definitely recommend this site to you. Check it out at

A to M

A to M are a creative design agency based in Manchester. They formed in 2003 and have a broad range of clients. They have some really nice, eye catching work, some of the work I particually like are the hand-drawn and collage pieces. Here are some examples that I like ..

Go on to their website to see more work at

Interactive posters

For the AIGA brief that i'm doing at the moment I have been researching interactive poters. I have come across loads of really interesting and well designed posters so I thought I'd share some with you ...

Thursday, 17 September 2009

AIGA brief

At the moment I am currently working on a brief to promote the designer of 2015's predicted trends that have been posted on the AIGA website. I have chose to work collaboratively on this brief with Vicky Carr, we are two weeks into this brief and it's only today that we have really seen the light! Starting to get into the swing of things now. We have decided to choose one of the six trends to concentrate on, we decided on No.5 - Sharing experiences: a co-creation model, which is basically interaction and customisation. We are in the process of creating a interactive poster which will be put up around Stockport college and hopefully MMU and Salford Universities, and we will monitor what happens to the posters. I'll post the finished poster and recorded activity when it's all finished in a few weeks.