We got set a one day brief to go out into the environment to the location we picked out of a hat, and sit there until we rote 600-1000 words on what is happening and the surrounding, without editing it. I picked the multistory car park and this is what i wrote...
Multistory car park in Stockport, aprox. 13.40pm on a Tuesday afternoon.
The weather is fairly bright the clouds are hiding the sun at the moment though and there Is a slight breeze. People still have sun glasses on though. A lady walks past with a Woolworths bag, kind of strange seeing as thought Woolworths has closed down. Can here children coming up the stairs, a little girl with her mother in a school uniform getting told to be quiet by her mum, she has stopped making noises, they get into the car, a silver Vauxhall starts the engine drives off. A plane flies over the top of me, very loud, Manchester airport is near so it’s low down, wonder where they have been? where they coming from? who’s on the plane?. Blue ford drives around the car park, Why is it blue? passes about fifty spaces but drives to the very end out of my sight. Can hear a slight clanging noise when the wind picks up. Old lady walks past me, no bags funny coloured shoes on. Birds are flying about. Can hear a squeaking noise. The parking space lines have nearly worn off some are worse than others. Floor is tarmac with little holes in it, there is bird poo near my foot. Another plane goes by. A man comes out from the stairs, chequered shirt on, glasses nearly bald but has grey hair, well what’s left of it, his pockets jingled with change. Silver Yaris is reversing out of the space, is a woman, can tell, she goes back in think she’s parking up. She walks to the back of her car to check she is in the lines! Ha! There are lamppost dotted about the car park, have green metal barriers around the bottom of them, I think that’s so the don’t fall over when people crash into them. A woman appears from the stairs carrying a big box with her car keys in her mouth, puts box in car, locks car, and walks back down the stairs. Man walks past with shades on a fag sticking out his mouth, he is fairly old got no hair, walks back past the other way! Two old ladies walk past chatting, both dresses very nicely with suit like jackets on, look respectable, been to M&S. Silver Peugeot parks up, first time. Wind has died down a bit. Purple KA passes by, parks as near to the pay machine as possible, lazy woman. Can hear traffic from the main road near by. Fag man appears again without the fag give a ticket to the Peugeot lady then walks back to the stairs and goes down them this time. There is a pavement around the edge of the car park, supposed to have yellow paint on the edge but has nearly all rubbed off. Why doesn’t any one re-paint it? Lady with red jacket and dark curly hair gets out a sports car, goes to pay machine. Old lady at the other side of car park, lots of bags, walking slowly, looks like she is struggling. Red jacket lady comes back puts ticket in her car, walks to the stairs. Winds picked up, quite chilly. Know what the clanging noise is, it’s a wire banging against the lamppost. Another plane. Car alarm is going off, plane drowns the sound. Oldish couple come from the stairs been to M&S the man is holding his car keys they are gangling about. Lady comes from stairs eating Gregg’s pasty, can’t smell it but looks nice. Old lady gets into a red Yaris opposite me, spend a bit of time sorting herself out, finally puts her seat belt on, starts the car, looks over this way! Drives out of the space, drives off. A leaf on the floor goes past me gets blown by the wind. Old hunch back man passes me his hood on his coat gets blown up onto his head, he carry’s on walking, don’t know if he knows. There is a big mwtal cage in the middle of the car park with some kind of machinery in it, what is it? what is it for? why is it there? Why do people have to pay to use the car park? what good does anyone get out of that? £1.50!! Ticket warden comes out fromt he stairs, i haven’t got a ticket! He walks the other way first, phew! Best get a ticket! How to ticket wardens sleep at night? Why do they wear yellow? A woman and her little boy come from the stairs, the little boy is holding his mums hand, how cute. Why do all the old people goto M&S, is it because they are the only people who can afford it, on their pensions? M&S have nice food! Mmm. who decided to put a car park on the roof of a building? why doesn’t all the weight from the cars collapse the roof?