So AIGA originally making posters, not any more! After 3 weeks of not really much me and Vicky decided enough is enough and we took action. A poster wasn't answering the brief in the correct spirit required so we took it back to basics. We went down to a evening called the waiting room, hosted by two MMU third years, armed with questionnaires;

What can a poster be if its not a piece of paper?
We came back with 50 replies and 35 decent ideas, so we gave ourselves three days to do as many as we could. Three days later our outcome was;
70 ideas, 4 lost items, 3 broken, 1 stolen, 4 injuries, 0.5 items set on fire, 3 things learnt, 1 friend made, 20 outcomes, 180 minutes of film, 60 photos and countless possible avenues to explore. Not forgetting 1 amazing e-mail reply from Craig Oldham who went to town when answering our question. Thanks Craig.
Still working on the final footage but will post when done.